Kể về nông thôn bằng tiếng Anh

Đã kiểm duyệt nội dung

Kể về nông thôn bằng tiếng Anh là bài viết về những hiểu biết cũng như những câu chuyện về nông thông được trình bày bằng tiếng Anh. Qua đây các em học sinh sẽ có thêm nhiều hơn những kinh nghiệm cho bản thân và trau dồi kiến thức học tiếng Anh hiệu quả hơn.

ke ve nong thon bang tieng anh

Kể về nông thôn bằng tiếng Anh

Bài viết kể về cuộc sống ở nông thôn bằng tiếng Anh số 1

Living in the countryside is really good for your life because of these reasons:- First, living in the country can bring you a clean evironment. The air is fresher and there are lots oftrees, rice fields and rivers, you can walk on the fields or along the rivers to enjoy the clean and fresh airthere in the early morning.- Second, living in the countryside is cheaper than in the city because people there have lower income anddon’t have the habit of spending a lot of money. If you live in the country, you can save a lot of money.- Finally, people in the country are more friendly and opener than people in the city because they live neareach other. People live together in a small village so they can talk countryside can have festivals and youcan join and fell very happy.In conclusin, there are many benefits of living in the country

Trên đây là bài viết số 1 kể về thành thị bằng tiếng Anh nằm trong nội dung kể những điều em biết về nông thôn hoặc thành thị lớp 3, cùng xem nội dung bài viết mẫu số 2 có gì không không nhé

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Tóm tắt truyện ngắn Chiếc lá cuối cùng của O.Henri

Bài viết kể về cuộc sống ở nông thôn bằng tiếng Anh số 2

The village has always been known to be a place of peace and quiet. The scattered houses among hundreds of plants and trees at once indicate the lack of activity in the village. The workers in the village leave their homes early in the morning to work in the plantations or towns nearby. Some have their own plantations, and some make certain articles in their homes to sell them in the towns. A few of the villagers, including women, go out to catch fish in the streams and rivers found in the village. Though the people of the village do not usually earn much, yet they seem to be contented.

In the afternoon, most of the villagers are at home. Some of them take a nap after lunch; some work in their small gardens, and some visit the small shops in the village. In various parts of the village children may be seen playing the popular games of the village. Occasionally, a cyclist passes by. Then, in the evening, the villagers meet one another. Some play cards and other types of games peculiar to the village. Some talk about the day’s incidents in the village, and those whose minds go beyond the village discuss world events.

In almost every village there is a headman whose duty is to settle quarrels among the villagers and maintain peace in the village. Whenever there is a dispute, the villagers go to the headman who is held in such esteem that his word has the force or law. In this way the villagers have developed their own simple laws, and the crimes of cities are almost unknown to the people of the village.

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Phân tích bài thơ Thơ duyên (Xuân Diệu)

During a festival, the whole village is alive with activities. Everyone is in a happy mood and plays his part to make the festival a success. This is the time for the men, women and children of the village to wear their best clothes and the village is full of colour. These simple ways of life in the village, however, must soon change. Progress in science and education has already begun to affect the outlook of the people in the village, and hundreds are leaving the village to seek their fortunes in the towns and cities.

https://thuthuat.taimienphi.vn/ke-ve-nong-thon-bang-tieng-anh-43232n.aspx Bên cạnh những đoạn văn kể về nông thôn bằng tiếng Anh bạn có thể tham khảo thêm các đoạn văn Kể về thành thị bằng tiếng Anh . Hay rất nhiều những tài liệu học tập hữu ích khác được cập nhật chi tiết và rõ ràng trên Taimienphi.vn, các bạn có thể theo dõi và ứng dụng cho nhu cầu học tập của mình tốt nhất.

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Chuyên Gia Thu Nhi

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